Community Landscaping
Community Maintenance
The SS/KH landscapers attend to the grounds, flowers, and general appearance of our community. The landscapers are not responsible for maintaining the trees and shrubs within your property line. We appreciate your help to keep the ascetic beauty of our community by regularly manicuring your greenery. (Ref. CC&Rs-Declaration, Article 9, Maintenance)
Community contractors will remove snow from our streets and entry roadways as needed. Please remove any snow accumulation from around your porch and driveway for continuous access. If you have questions or concerns about landscaping within our community, please reach out to the board in which contact information can be found here.
The schedule for grass is every seven to ten days.
Leaf removal occurs once before Thanksgiving and twice in December

Trash/Recycling Service
General Trash day is Wednesday. If trash day falls on a holiday, your service should resume on the next day. Place your recycle and trash containers (or sealed plastic bags) in front of your home. Do not put your trash outside before 7:00 p.m. on the evening before the scheduled pick-up day. Please also note that storing trash containers in a garage alcove or in your driveway is a violation of the community rules. Properly store your trash and recycle containers at all times.
Garden shrub pick up day is Monday. Garden shrub/yard waste must be in brown paper leaf bags. Place your bags on your property near the curb.
For bulk trash pickup or to report a missed garden shrub to pick up, call 311 or 301-833-4748, M-F, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for assistance.
The PG County Convenience Center is available for large trash, recyclables, and unwanted household items. The Center is located at the Landfill off of Brown Station Road. For times and acceptable items, see Prince George's County website.
Please Curb Your Dog
If you walk your pet on the property, please be sure to curb your dog. Removing your pet’s waste is an act of love for your pet and your community. Curbing your dog will not only maintain the esthetic appearance of our property, but will reduce feces odor, insects, and diseases that could affect your pet in the future.
Pet waste contains pathogens that continue to breed in soil, streams, and rivers long after the waste decomposes. In Prince George's (PG) County, it's against the law to leave your pet's waste on public or private property that may result in fines up to $250.
To report a pet waste violation to PG County, call 301-780-7241. Please provide the owner’s address and a description of the pet. You can report anonymously.
Also to note, violators who choose to not pick up their pet waste will be sent a HOA letter in the mail discussing this matter. Repeated offenders will receive a fine from the HOA after the first warning.

Mosquito Control in Villages of Marlboro
Mosquito Control is being conducted by the Maryland Department of Agriculture's Spray Program.
If you feel that you have heavy mosquito presence in your yard and would like to submit a mosquito complaint, you may do so by completing our online form which can be found at Online Complaint Form This is to be utilized when a resident has mosquitoes in their yard or they want to notify us of standing water on public property that they would like us to visit, inspect, and treat.